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Below is the Partlow MRC 7000 Recorder, the input capabilities include: Thermocouple, RTD, millivolt, volt and milliamp. Standard features include: Isolated process input, process value display for each pen, up to two programmable alarms per pen, automatic linearization for thermocouples and RTD's, sensor break and error fault detection, display/chart and process filtering, 0.56 inch high LED displays, tactile feedback keys on front cover, programmable display, decimal point positioning, proportional control output limits, programmable display, decimal point positioning, proportional control output limits, programmable output action on sensor bread/error condition, auto/manual transfer, security access systems and more.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file Mrc 7000 Recorder.pdf
Below is the Partlow MRC 7700 Recorder it's input capabilities include: Thermocouple, RTD, millivolt, volt and milliamp. Description: The MRC 7700 is a microprocessor based circular chart Recording Profile Controller capable of measuring, displaying recording, controlling, and profiling Relative Humidity and/or Temperature using Dry Bulb and Wet Bulb temperatures from a variety of inputs. It uses an algorithm to automatically calculate relative humidity. Two sensor input terminals are provided on every instrument.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file MRC 7700 Recorder.pdf
Here is the MRC 5000 Recorder, it is designed with the latest innovation in recording technology, enclosures, and functionality, it is Slim, Trim, and Simple.
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MRC 8000 1 and 2 Pen 12" Circle Chart Recorder is Rugged, Realizable and Refined. Housed inside the MRC 8000's rugged structural foam case is the same reliable hardware core that has made the Partlow MRC 7000 such a proven performer.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file MRC 8000.pdf
The Partlow MIC 1401 Series line of 1/4 DIN Limit controllers offers a variety of enhancements for improved indication and monitoring of a number of process variables. Its innovative design combines the ease of use common to the MIC 1161 1/16 DIN and MIC 1801 1/8 DIN Partlow limit controllers as well as sharing the same basic operator interface as the popular MIC 2000 Series.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file Mic 1401 Limit.pdf
The Partlow MIC 1400 Series line of 1/4 DIN controllers offers a variety of enhancements for improved indication and control of a number of process variables. Its innovative design combines the ease of use common to the MIC 1160 1/16 DIN and MIC 1800 1/8 DIN Partlow controllers as well as sharing the same basic operator interface as the popular MIC 2000 Series.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file Mic 1400.pdf
The Partlow MIC 1460 is a 1/4 DIN microprocessor based, single loop process controller with programmable set point programs. It can function either as a basic process controller, utilizing manual set point changes, or it can execute any one of eight set point programs. Each program is adjustable in the range of 1 to 16 segments and are cascadable to a maximum length of 121 segments.
Each segment may be a ramp, a dwell, a join, or an end. A delayed start feature is standard as is an end of program relay. By using the auto-hold feature, assured dwells are possible. The unit can include two 4-20mA current outputs which can be used for control and a third current output to be used for retransmission. In lieu of current control outputs, relays or SSR drivers are available. Four (4) event outputs (relay) are available as an option.
The MIC 1460 is used to control or program temperature or other variables in a variety of applications. These include environmental chambers, plastic processing machines, furnaces and ovens, and packaging machinery. Temperature, pressure, flow, and level are all measured easily by the MIC 1460.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file Mic 1460 Programmable Setpoint.pdf
The easy programming and operational simplicity of the entire MIC Series of Partlow controllers is featured in the MIC 1160. It's adaptive-tune feature provides for better overall "quality control" with accurate "hands-free" tuning and faster, easier setup time. The MIC 1160 offers a choice of full PID, Heat-Cool, or Dual Alarm features to handle virtually any application.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file Mic 1160.pdf
The Partlow MIC 1800 controller is one of the most advanced 1/8 DIN microprocessor controllers available today. Its innovative design combines the ease of use common to all Partlow microbased controllers and recorders with built-in versatility and functionality. It is designed and priced for a wide variety of OEM applications as well as an excellent after market replacement controller.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file Mic 1800.pdf
Partlow's MIC 1167, MIC 1807 and MIC 1407 Series of micro based, 1/16 DIN, 1/8 DIN and 1/4 DIN Valve Motor Drive Process Controllers have been designed specifically to drive valve motors, with a unique VMD tuning algorithm. The series consists of controllers with continuous on-line open loop tuning which gives stable control at all times. With pre-tune and auto-tune, the user setup is also much easier in what is generally considered to be a complex measurement area.
In addition to tuning the "P" and "I" terms, the auto-tune also reduces valve activity to an absolute minimum without compromising the control quality, thereby reducing wear and tear on mechanical components such as valves, contactors and relays. This VMD series incorporates the latest in surface-mount and CMOS technology to ensure reliable and accurate control in a wide variety of applications.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file MIC 1167, 1807, 1407 Valve Motor Drive.pdf
Partlow's MIC 1820 and MIC 1420 Series of micro based, 1/8 DIN and 1/4 DIN process controllers, utilize a new fuzzy logic control algorithm which dramatically improves the quality of control in PID controllers. Dubbed RaPID (Response assisted PID), the algorithm enhances the traditional PID function by continuously reblending the P, I and D control components on-line. Instead of learning from an event and reacting after it has happened (how all self-tuning PID controllers work), RaPID controllers can react as an event occurs, thereby improving the quality of control and speed of response in any application. All the operator has to do to improve control is set up the controller in the normal way using pre-tune/auto-tune, and then activate the fuzzy logic by pressing two keys on the front. There is no complicated tuning of fuzzy parameters or scaling of variables.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file Mic 1820, 1420 Fuzzy Logic.pdf
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