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These are the West 4700 1/4 Din & 6700 1/16th Din Over temp Controllers, their features are: Universal Inputs (Thermocouple, RTD, DC Linear), Universal Power Supply 90 - 264 VAC 50/60 Hz., High Accuracy +/- 1 LSD, UL, Recognition & Canadian UL (File # E160863), Front Panel Sealed to IP65/NEMA 4, Fast Sample Rate of 4 times per second, Unit is Programmable to be a Hi or Lo Limit Control.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 4700.pdf
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 6700.pdf
These are the West 4100 1/4 Din, 6100 1/16th Din & 8100 1/8th Din Process Controllers, their features are: Universal Inputs (Thermocouple, RTD, DC Linear, Universal Outputs (Relay/SSR or DC Linear), Universal Power Supply 90-264 VAC 50/60Hz, High Accuracy +/- .25% of Span +/- 1 LSD, Front Panel Sealed to IP65/NEMA 4 (6100 to IP66), Fast Sample Rate of 4 times per second, West Pre-tune and Adaptive Self-tune, RS-485 Serial Communications option (plug in card), Dual Set point option (plug in card), 24V AC/DC power supply option.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 4100.pdf
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 6100.pdf
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 8100.pdf
This is the West 4400 1/4 Din Program Controller, it's Features are: Universal Inputs, Outputs and Power Supply, 128 segments available - free format (ramp, dwell, end or join), Programs 8 X 16 segments, Programs can be joined to create longer profiles, Remote and local program number select, run, hold and abort, Selftune on dwells, Automatic hold for dwells and ramps, Profile start from Process variable or Set Point, Independent cycling for each recipe, Run, Hold, Abort, Jump and X60 commands supported, Readable run time status messages, Power failure strategy, End of program output (relay), Computer configurable connection socket, Configurable alarm strategy, & Plug in output cards.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 4400.pdf
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 8200.pdf
If you need Literature for this item download the following fileWest 4200.pdf
This is the West 8010 1/8 DIN Indicator, it combines state-of-the-art technology with a simple operator interface to provide clear identifiable information for any process. The advanced micro-processor control is proven technology, offering reliable, accurate indication in most environments. The 8010 will provide good visible indication for almost all applications, and is available in a choice of red or green LEDs. It can be configured for up to 30 different engineering units. This indicator also comes with several alarm options, and RS485 communications board can be fitted, offering full integration with most instrumentation, including industry standard MODBUS.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 8010.pdf
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 6600.pdf
The West 6500 is a Quality Temperature Control For The Packaging Industry. Following research with end-users and OEM manufactures, West have developed the new 6500 temperature controller to meet the specific needs of the global packaging industry. Whether form, fill and seal, bag seal or shrink wrap, fast, reliable, cost-effective temperature control is essential in providing consistent result. The new West 6500 uses the latest proven technology from the process industry to get on control quicker and stay there. It has a simplified operator interface which makes it easy to use, set-up and support, providing quality control at an affordable price.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 6500.pdf
The West 2300 is a 1/32 DIN process controller designed to offer users a smaller controller without sacrificing functionality. A number of features make the 2300 one of the simplest process controllers to use. The Large 4 digit operator display area, available in red or green, comes with three additional colored indicators so you can easily read control, alarm, or configuration status.
If you need Literature for this item download the following file West 2300.pdf
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